Thank you for your visit my website. I am a software engineer and usually work at an company. After work, I also create game, service and OSS.

I have been posting articles about technology and so on. If you are interested my posts, visit here.(in Japanese)





Kotodamap Using: Unity / Go / GCP
Kotodamap is messaging app using by geo information. you can put your message in the place you are. you can also throw your message, but you don’t know where your message fly. If you find a message and read it, any others will not able to read it. This app is like forrest gump. This app was only published in Japan.

sample : 1 2 3 4

ReflectΒ Number Using: Unity
This is a simple touch game(and a little brain training). If you start this game, number’s object appear. This object bounds in a space. If it will come center line, you should touch num pad. Let’s try this game and get high score!!

sample : 1 2 3 4

FillDot Using: Cocos2d-x
Let’s touch red space, and you can change white space. Let’s Fill! Fill!!

sample : 1 2 3

OmniSlash Using: Cocos2d-x
I like omnislash. So I made this game from omnislash. This is a story of a boy. He hope to become super warrior. You can touch number panels and chain those. If you can chain numbers, he could become super warrior.

sample : 1 2 3

HopΒ Pumpkin Using: Cocos2d-x
This is simple action game. The left button is virtual stick to control the pumpkin. If push the right button, pumpkin will hop. Let’s fly as long as possible to get high score.

sample : 1 2 3